Creative Contests
07.10. – 24.11.
Many thanks for your participation
47 entries * 5 workshops
11 Folk-Scholarships * 2 exhibitions
VR IN FRAMES ! Start the exhibition for desktop / notebook here
PanoRama ! Start the exhibition for mobile devices (smartphone / tablet) here
For best viewing, we recommend modern versions of popular internet browsers. Clicking on the respective link opens the exhibition in a new window. The complete loading / the complete start takes some time depending on the internet connection … please wait. We recommend full screen mode for a true exhibition experience.
Controls / Navigation:
- The respective exhibition can be controlled with the mouse and the arrow keys:
- Mouse: rotate + up / down
- Arrow key up: move forward
- Arrow key down: move back
- Arrow key left: move to the left
- Arrow key right: move to the right
- Keep left mouse button pressed: zoom
- Full screen mode of the exhibition: click button at the bottom right edge
- Exit / leave the exhibition: close browser window
- Mobile devices: control the respective exhibition by “touch” and “gestures” (PanoRama tour)

Topic ?
EuropeCity Görlitz-Zgorzelec
Mode ?
Drawing & Painting ][ Digital
Bring “Europe” very “concretely” in connection with “Görlitz-Zgorzelec” onto your digital canvas. Yes, right ! Only digitally created works will take part in this year’s contests. Drawings, pictures, static or animated, no photos.

Prizes & Awards ?
- 10 x “Folk-Scholarships” à 400,00 Euros (cash).
- Presentation of the artworks in a 3D exhibition online.
Procedure 2022 ?
- Contest period: Digital drawing & painting – until 24.11.
- On request – workshops: 02.11. – 09.11.
- Submission: until 24.11.
- Jury meeting: 25 + 26.11.
- Announcement of the 10 “Folk-Scholarhip” holders (winning drafts): 27.11.
- Finalisation of the winning drafts and submission: until 04.12.
- Award ceremony: 15.12. (Görlitz or online)

Conditions ?
- Drawings & images, created in digital format only. No photos.
- Self-made, e.g. on tablets, notebooks, desktops … .
- Motifs deal creativly with the “EuropeCity Görlitz-Zgorzelec”, in static or animated (dynamic) manner.
- A jury from EuropeCity Görlitz-Zgorzelec will judge the entries, the legal process is excluded!
- Criteria: Idea (25%), quality of implementation (50%), topic (25%)
- Longest side of the image / file – maximum 4,000 pixels / minimum 2,000 pixels.
- Short description of the motif – idea ? What is it about ? Which (working) technique was used ? Link to the EuropeCity of Görlitz-Zgorzelec ? (at max. 3-5 sentences).
- Only one entry per participant, no group work please.
- Participation (regularly) possible from 14 years to infinity.

Submission ?
- Until 24.11. – 11:59 p.m., digital only.
- By eMail to cc22[at]fvks.eu.
- Or by file transfer service, e.g. with WeTransfer or similar, to cc22[at]fvks.eu.
- File size – max. 12 MB, resolution from 96dpi.
- You agree that we may publish your name and your work for the award ceremony, the accompanying public relations work and the online exhibition if necessary.
- Your work is newly created and has not participated in any contest yet.
- By submitting your entry, you agree to all terms and conditions of participation.
Anything else ?
- No idea ? Do it like Eddie ! New day, new opportunities.
- Painting or drawing genius ? But no idea about “digital” ? Visit our workshops.
- We will only use your contact details to run the contests. Of course, no data will be passed on!

Workshops ?
- For those interested, we offer 5 free workshop dates in Görlitz, registration by eMail necessary:
- 02.11. * 09 – 12, registration until 28.10.
- 03.11. * 16:30 – 19:30, registration until 29.10.
- 04.11. * 09 – 12, registration by 30.10.
- 07.11. * 16:30 – 19:30, registration until 02.11.
- 09.11. * 14 – 17, registration until 04.11.
- Digital drawing / painting on tablets, working techniques, angle, possibilities.
- Target group: beginners, 5 – 10 participants per course
- Realisation: Gallery FVKS.ONE, Untermarkt 23, DE-02826 Görlitz
- Workshop languages: German, English, Polish, as needed.
- Tablets (iPads) will be provided for workshop participation.
- Participation free of charge, registration until the respective date exclusively by eMail to: workshop-cc22[at]fvks.eu.
Matthias Beier – artist & lecturer * Silke Maria Hampel – local historian * Matthias Krick – board FVKS * Agnieszka Lemmer – media artist * Gerd Weise – authorized signatory Görlitzer Kulturservicegesellschaft

Untermarkt 23 I DE-02826 Görlitz
Förderverein Kulturstadt Görlitz-Zgorzelec e.V.
Funded by:

The project is funded by Fonds Soziokultur e.V.,
and in addition also by own contributions and
own funds of the FVKS.