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[themify_icon icon=”fa-bars” ]Statement according to § 5 TMG (Germany):

This project homepage is a service offered by
Förderverein Kulturstadt Görlitz-Zgorzelec e.V. (FVKS)

[themify_icon icon=”fa-eye” ]Project leaders: Matthias Krick (mk) I Gerd Weise (gw)
[themify_icon icon=”fa-phone” ]Projekt Contact by phone: +49 (0)3581 767 83 25
[themify_icon icon=”fa-envelope-o” ]Projekt Contac via eMail: Contact form

FVKS – Förderverein Kulturstadt Görlitz-Zgorzelec e.V.
Untermarkt 23
D-02826 Görlitz

[themify_icon icon=”fa-phone” ]Phone: +49 (0)3581 767 83 25
[themify_icon icon=”fa-fax” ]Fax: +49 (0)3581 767 83 79
[themify_icon icon=”fa-envelope-o” ]eMail: contact[at]

Homepages:   I
Register of Associations: Local Court of Dresden VR 6709

Authorized Board of Directors:

  • [themify_icon icon=”fa-smile-o” ]Dr. Matthias Krick
  • [themify_icon icon=”fa-smile-o” ]Gerd Weise

Responsible for content according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV / § 6 MDStV (Germany):

Dr. Matthias Krick
FVKS – Förderverein Kulturstadt Görlitz-Zgorzelec e.V.
Untermarkt 23
D-02826 Görlitz

Layout & Web programming:

  • [themify_icon icon=”fa-smile-o” ]FVKS Media (fvks)
  • [themify_icon icon=”fa-smile-o” ]Dr. Matthias Krick (mk)


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